Senin, 02 Mei 2011


Why is this fruit called rambutan? Maybe because its main characteristic hair a lot. If it fits in season, fruit is easy to find at the edges of the road with a light price. In fact, outside of Java can be no price. Usually, people know him only as a fruit or made sweets.However, it turns out this plant can also for treatment. 
Know Rambutan 
Rambutan (Nephelii lappacei), widely planted as fruit trees, sometimes found as wild plants, especially outside Java. These tropical plants require a humid climate with annual rainfall of at least 2000 mm. Rambutan is a lowland plant to a height of 300-600 above sea level. 
This plant is usually between 15-25 m tall, branching, and leaf green. Fruit shape round oval, 3-5 cm long with spines temple (hair) until stiff limp. 
Green colored rind and a yellow or red when ripe. Fruit wall thickness. Ellipse-shaped seeds, wrapped in transparent white pulp which can be eaten and contain a lot of water. Taste varies from sour to sweet. Woody seed coat thin. 
Generally rambutan flowering in the late dry season and formed fruit in the rainy season, around November to February. Rambutan also has many kinds of them Ropiah, The Tiger, The Mistress, Lebak Bulus and Binjei. Propagation through seeds, patch budding and grafting. 
Ingredients and Benefits 
This fruit contains carbohydrates, protein, fat, phosphorus, iron, calcium and vitamin C. Rind contains tannins and saponins. Seeds contain fat and polyphenols. The leaves contain tannin and saponin.Bark contains tannin, saponin, flavonida, pectic substance, and iron. 
These plant parts that can be used as a drug is the fruit skin are used to overcome dysentery and fever, the bark used to treat thrush, the leaf used to treat diarrhea and to blacken the hair, the root used to treat fever, and the seeds used to treat diabetes (diabetes mellitus .) 
How to Use and Example. 
For drugs taken, no dosage recommendation. For external use, milled leaves till soft, then add a little water. Then the feelings of water can be used for treatment of hair. As examples of its use are as follows: 
1. Dysentery 
Rambutan fruit skins (10 pieces) was washed, then dippotong pieces as needed. Then add 3 cups of clean drinking water, then boiled until the water remaining half. Once cool, filtered and taken 2 times a day, each three-fourths cup. 
2. Fever 
Rambutan skin that has been dried (15 g) washed. Then added 3 cups water, then boiled for 15 minutes. Once cool, filtered and drink 3 times a day, each third section. 
3. Hair Care 
Rambutan leaf sufficiently washed, then crushed into powder. A little water added, while stirring evenly until it becomes dough like mush.Then, squeezed and didisaring with a piece of cloth. The collected water is used to moisten the scalp. This was done daily until visible results. 
4. Diabetes 
Rambutan seed (5 seeds) fried sangran (sangria), and then milled to a powder. Then, brewed with a cup of hot water. After the cold water while drunk. Do it 1-2 times a day. 
5. Sprue 
Bark rambutan (3 knuckles) washed, then boiled with 2 cups water until the remaining one cup. Then used to rinse the mouth while warm. 
Not unexpectedly, it turns out this redhead has medicinal properties as well. No harm in trying. For those who have extensive perkarangan, why not try to plant it? Besides being easily and cheaply, too quickly bear fruit. One more, can be used as collection of medicinal plants of the family.

Sumber : Setiawan Dalimarta, Atlas Tumbuhan Obat Tradisional Jilid 3, Puspa Swara, 2003. Diketik ulang dari Majalah Nikah Vol. 3 No. 4 Juli 2004 hal. 16-17.

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