Senin, 02 Mei 2011


Treat Hemorrhoids 
Hemorrhoids occur due to interruption of blood flow around the anus so that the blood vessels dilate and swell. Not all hemorrhoid sufferers need medical treatment, namely those who complain of bleeding, the bumps and itching. With any treatment of hemorrhoids likely to relapse back depending on the habits of eating, drinking and defecation. 
Fiber content in the yam can help to overcome the hemorrhoids. Because one function of fiber that is helping accelerate the digestive tract and feces so that expenditure is not difficult and does not cause pain and reduce stress when removing it. Therefore, it can reduce pain hemorrhoid sufferers. To cope with hemorrhoids, yam is made in the form of juice taken every sleep and wake in the morning. 
 Treating Fever 
Fever occurs because of the existence of a body's defense mechanism (immune response) against foreign substances (which have been weakened germs) which enter the body. The existence of a foreign body will stimulate the body's defense system, so it will stimulate activity of immune cells (macrophages and lymphocytes T cells) to fight the foreign substance by increasing the proteolysis that produces amino acids that contribute to the formation of antibodies or immune system, so that the body becomes resistant and robust in the face of germs. But the side effects your body will automatically be issued pyrogens (fever-causing substances). Pyrogen further bring the message through receptors in the hypothalamus, so that reaction occurs raising the temperature of the body by peripheral blood vessels constrict and inhibit the secretion of sweat kelanjar. As a result of heat expenditure and decreases body temperature increases. 
Yam which has chemical properties which merit can be used to cool the fever down.Yam tubers can be eaten directly or made in the form of juice drink in the morning and afternoon. 
 Good For People with Diabetes Mellitus 
Diabetes mellitus or commonly known by the name diabetes is a disease that indiscriminately. All circles to develop this disease, both rich and poor, young teens and parents. Changes in lifestyle, especially diet switch to foods that are almost instantaneous and practically can trigger diabetes mellitus. In addition to changes in lifestyle and diet, genetic factors also contribute to the incidence of this disease. 
Diabetes or diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease (chronic) that occurs due to absolute or relative insulin deficiency. Marked by increasing concentration of glucose in the blood. It also affects the metabolism of protein and fat in the body. Diabetes is not curable but can be controlled. 
Efforts usual treatment is insulin. But the effort is no less important is the balance mengaja food consumption. Dietary and physical activity is the best way to keep blood sugar levels in normal circumstances. In addition to the medicine physician, bengkuangpun can be used to maintain the normality of blood sugar levels. Dietary fiber contained in yam role in lowering blood sugar levels because it is absorbed slowly and not all of them converted into glucose. Thus the fibers in the yam can control blood sugar of people with diabetes mellitus. 
In an attempt to maintain blood sugar levels remain normal, yam made in the form of juice or can be shredded and then filtered and then taken the juice and drink every morning and evening. 
Treating Thrush 
Thrush is a symptom of the erosion on the skin of the mouth, the walls inside of the cheek or tongue. The reason is the lack of vitamin C, allergies or a decrease in endurance. Vitamin C content in the yam which act as antioxidants to help speed up the healing process of canker sores sufferers. Yam can be given to people with canker sores in a way made in the form of juice and sweetened with honey and water to taste. 
 As a phytoestrogen Experience 
For women, the presence of phytoestrogens is necessary to maintain the quality of life of old age. When a woman enters menopause where estrogen hormones the body no longer produced or only produced in relatively small quantities, so that there is a tendency of women experience physical setbacks, including the skin faster mengeriput and organs begin to brittle bones and break easily. 
Therefore, foods containing phytoestrogens should be sought is reflected in the menu of dishes every day. Yam is one of them foods that contain phytoestrogens, so good to eat for those who have entered menopause for complaints that occur in menopause is inevitable and will make the older women become more fresh and more interesting. 
Lowering Blood Cholesterol Levels 
Triglyceride and cholesterol is the fraction of the usual fat contained in the blood. In the right amount of fat is essential for the body. fat is an energy-rich substances separately metabolime body processes. However, in excessive amounts, fats (triglycerides and cholesterol) can cause very serious disease such as atherosclerosis, stroke and coronary heart disease. Levels of triglycerides and total cholesterol in the blood that is recommended is less than 200 mg / dl. If the number has exceeded the limit, we must watch out for and made efforts to reduce therapy. 
One way of lowering blood cholesterol levels by dietary means doing well and correctly.Yam juice therapy can be done to reduce cholesterol in the blood. Water content and fiber in the yam may help lower blood cholesterol levels. In addition to fiber and high water content, the content of vitamin C in the yam that act as antioxidants can also help in the process decreased levels of cholesterol in the blood. 
 Reduce Stomach Acid Production 
Impaired gastric acid is one of the diseases that occur because of lifestyle and diet changes. This disorder usually occurs in those who are busy working so often miss meals. When stomach acid production increases will cause nausea and vomiting, pain in the pit of the stomach, weakness, decreased appetite, and even headaches. If not treated immediately will cause inflammation or even a wound in the stomach called peptic ulcer. To reduce the excessive production of stomach acid, it is recommended to increase fruit and reduces the oily and spicy foods that can stimulate the production of stomach acid. Naturopathic experts recommend that to consume fresh yam are eaten in the usual form without any sauce or salt. Because of the nature of the cold and the tuber of yam rapid alkaline nature absorb excess stomach acid. 
Keeping the Immune System 
Yam is one type of food plays an important role in maintaining and enhancing immunity.The content of vitamin C and some phytonutrien contained in yam can make the immune system maintained, so that relative to avoided the attack of various kinds of infections and diseases caused by viruses, bacteria and harmful microorganisms. 
 Other efficacy of yam that is to treat the disease beri-beri due to deficiency of vitamin B1 (thiamin). 

The trick is to peel of yam, then washed and shredded or blended with juice extractor. Should be drunk in the morning or afternoon after a meal. 

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