Senin, 02 Mei 2011


Pomegranate rind taste sour, bitter, hot and poisonous nature.Efficacious stop bleeding (hemostatis), intestinal worms peluruh (vermifuga), anti-diarrhea and anti-virus. The skin of fruit and flowers is a powerful astringent. Decoction of them can stop the bleeding. Bark and roots have a weak smell and taste sour.Efficacious as a laxative sputum, vermifuga, laxative, and astringent intestine. Medium leaves are efficacious for nutritious fruit haid.Daging peluruh conditioning, laxative fart. Seeds are non-toxic and efficacious for reducing fever, antitoksik, grease lungs, and relieve cough. 

Usage Guidelines for treating diseases 

1. Wormy 
Wash the dried pomegranate root (approximately 7g), then cut into pieces as needed. Then boiled with a glass of water for 15 minutes.Once cool, strain and drink the water at once. 
Combine pomegranate juice with carrot juice, half a glass each.Aduks until flattening, then drink as well. 

2. Gingivitis 
Wash the pomegranate flowers (about 7 florets) with clean water, then boiled with a glass of water until boiling. Once cool, strain and use separately gargle-gargle. 

3. Bleeding 
Boil some pomegranate relationship (approximately 20g) with three glasses of water until the remaining half. Drinking boiled water twice a day, each three-fourths cup. 

4. Wound 
Combine powdered pomegranate skin of fruit or flowers to taste with sesame oil. Toss well, then apply on the wound. 

5. Sprue 
Take two fresh pomegranate fruit is ripe. Take the following contents of the seeds, then mash until smooth. Add one cup water, stirring evenly, then strain. Use water to rinse, then swallow. Do it 2-3 times a day until healed. 

6. Frequent urination 
Take the contents of pomegranate fruit (fresh and ripe, the fruit) and a handful of chives, then cut into pieces as needed. Boil with three glasses of water until the remaining half, remove and let cool.Drinking boiled water twice a day, each three-fourths cup. 

7. Whitish 
Boil dried pomegranate skin (30 grams) and bitter herbs dried (15 g) with one liter of clean water. Allow the water boiled remaining half. Once cool, strain and drink for to 3 times, morning, noon and night. Cooking water can also be used to wash the vagina. 

8. Long-standing cough 
Take a pomegranate is not too ripe. Every night before bed, chewing the pomegranate seeds. Discard seeds. 

9. Hoarse voice, dry throat 
Take a fresh pomegranate, split, and take its contents. Chew, then discard bijiya. Do it 2-3 times a day. 

10. Dysentery 
Boil some pomegranate rind, purslane (Portulaca oleacea), and spoon (Plantago major), and bitter (Andro graphic paniculata) (15 g each) in three cups of water until the remaining one cup. Once cool, strain and for for 2 times drinks, morning and afternoon. 

11. Chronic diarrhea 
Cut a thin skin of pomegranate fruit (15 grams) and nutmeg (Myristica fragrans) (10 g), then boiled with a glass of water remains one glasses. After chilling filtered and drink twice a day, each half a glass. 

bs S i n W ients and microorganisms to protect against evil. The ability of the body to absorb calcium is also getting better, so good for the bones. In addition, the risk of colon cancer is also reduced. 
Healthy Kidney 
Research from the International Journal of Cancer shows that consumption of fruits and vegetables, especially bananas, regularly and are able to protect the body. Studies 13.4 years with a population consisting of 61.000 women aged 40-76 showed that women who ate more than 75 fruits and vegetables per month (or 2.5 per day) cut the risk of kidney cancer by 40%. Among other fruits, pisanglah the most protective. 
Some Tips: 
● Eat a banana while the fruit is really ripe, because the more mature fruit, the antioxidant levels are also higher. (Research Universities Innbruck Austria) 
● If you want to speed up the ripening process, then place the bananas in a paper bag or wrap in newspaper 
● In addition to regular food or a salad, sandwich or banana crepes with peanut butter and honey is also a delicious dish. In addition, you also can menghidangkannya way dismembered and put into your breakfast oatmeal.

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