Senin, 02 Mei 2011


are very many benefits to health due to nutritional content and benefits of the passion fruit is efficacious as a pain reliever, anti-convulsions, colitis, tranquilizers, and anti-inflammatory. Disorders such as constipation, dysentery, insomnia, menstrual disorders, cough, hoarse, dry throat also can be driven with this fruit.Dagingbuah passion fruit is used to relax the nerves as headaches, relieve diarrhea, and neurastenia (chronic fatigue, weakness, no appetite, can not concentrate, and insomnia). 

Invitro research at the University of Florida also found that yellow passion fruit ekstrakbuah contains phytochemicals that kill cancer cells. Phytochemicals include polyphenols and carotenoids. 

The content of other phytochemicals in the passion fruit is harman, harmol, harmalin, passaflorine, harmine, carotenoids, viteksin, krisin, and isoviteksin. While the nutritional content such as: energy, fat, protein, fiber, minerals, calcium, phosphorus, iron, carotene, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, ascorbic acid, and citric acid. 

Passion Fruit makes it easier to sleep 

passion fruit-rich 5Markisa B vitamins and potassium which relaxes calming the nervous system. The people of South America traditionally eat passion to help sleep. In fact according to them, eat a passion fruit before bed can make a beautiful dream. 

Passion Fruit has a property to cure chronic allergy symptoms. Also the recovery of patients with liver and kidney conditions, and triggers the immune system and increase the strength of antibodies in the blood. In fact, passion is also capable of filtering, separating, and removing toxins from the body. 

Besides, can increase the freshness of the skin and stimulate the growth of young cells in the skin of the face. From the results of laboratory research, passion fruit contains high doses of vitamin C and antioxidants. 

Many benefit from the passion fruit, especially for the health of our bodies. So when the need to consume or eat passion fruit every day for our bodies healthy always. 

2.Menyembuhkan chronic allergy symptoms. 
Also the recovery of patients with liver and kidney conditions, and triggers increased antibody immunity and strength in darah.Bahkan, passion fruit is also capable of filtering, separating, and removing toxins from the tubuh.Selain it, can increase the freshness of the skin and stimulate the growth of young cells in the skin wajah.Dari results of laboratory research, passion fruit contains high doses of vitamin C and antioxidants.

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