Senin, 02 Mei 2011


Banana is a fruit that is easy to meet in Indonesia. In addition, the price is also relatively cheap compared with other fruit. However, you may not suspect that the banana fruit as simple as it turns out has a myriad of benefits, ranging from cardiovascular protection, maintain eye health, bone repair, and prevent kidney cancer. 
Cardiovascular Protection 
Bananas are one of the best sources for potassium, which is important minerals that maintain normal blood pressure and heart function. On average, banana consisting of 467 mg of potassium and 1 mg sodium, can help prevent high blood pressure and atherosclerosis. 
A study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine reveals that high-fiber foods, such as bananas, helps heart disease. Research over 19 years shows that people who eat lots of fiber, about 21 grams per day, had 12% fewer coronary heart disease, and 11% less cardiovascular disease than those consuming little fiber (5 grams per day). 

Banana regulate the digestive system
 Do you suffer from constipation? The best solution for constipation is to eat bananas.This is one of the major health benefits of bananas. Bananas are rich in fiber which helps in regulating bowel function.

Banana reduce the risk of heart disease and blood pressure

You might be surprised to hear the health benefits of bananas. Yes, bananas reduce the risk of heart disease and lowering blood pressure. Bananas are rich in potassium, which is very important for muscle contraction and the functioning of the heart and nervous system. The average potassium requirement is 4 grams / day. It can be obtained by eating bananas. This is one of the amazing benefits of bananas.

Banana reduce depression

Bananas also contain tryptophan acids that help in reducing depression and thus improve your mood.Studies show that bananas are also helpful in reducing stress levels. In the case of stress, the health benefits of bananas this is really great.

Eat bananas for bone health

 Calcium dalah nutrients needed for healthy bones (prevents osteoporosis) and probiotic bacteria help in absorbing calcium and increase the ability of digestion. These bacteria are found in bananas. Green bananas are helpful in absorbing calcium.

Reduce menstrual pain with a banana

Most of the women using the drug to reduce menstrual pain. Better to reduce pain with bananas.Bananas are rich in vitamin B6 which helps in regulating blood glucose levels. This helps in balancing your overall mood and therefore may reduce menstrual pain.

Bananas help ulcer patients

 The health benefits of banana the other is the ability of bananas against intestinal disorders. Eating raw banana reduce irritation to the stomach and reduce the effects of high acidity.

Bananas and anemia: Bananas are not only rich in potassium, but also rich in iron, so eat bananas to increase hemoglobin. The increase in blood hemoglobin levels can treat anemia. Forget the drugs for anemia and eat bananas. One of the more remarkable health benefits of bananas.

Stop smoking with eating banana

another amazing health benefits of bananas is to help people who want to quit smoking. Smokers have a higher nicotine content, minerals like potassium in bananas and magnesium and vitamins B6 and B12 helps in reducing the nicotine. Banana is a lot better than cigarettes.
Maintain Eye Health 
As a child, your parents surely told to eat carrots so many eyes remain good. However, as an adult, it looks like fruit is more important in maintaining eye health. The study consisted of 100,000 participants who were asked to consume fruits, vegetables, antioxidant vitamins A, C and E, and carotenoids to evaluate the formation of eye diseases ARMD, suggesting that consumption of vegetables, antioxidant vitamins and carotenoids was not related to the disease. Meanwhile, consumption of fruit showed protection against this acute eye disease. 
Improve Bone 
Eating bananas regularly will help your body absorb calcium better.Bananas contain a lot fruktooligosakarida, which is a prebiotic or bacteria that are good for your colon. These bacteria produce enzymes and vitamins that increase the ability of absorption of nutrients and microorganisms to protect against evil. The ability of the body to absorb calcium is also getting better, so good for the bones. In addition, the risk of colon cancer is also reduced. 
Healthy Kidney 
Research from the International Journal of Cancer shows that consumption of fruits and vegetables, especially bananas, regularly and are able to protect the body. Studies 13.4 years with a population consisting of 61.000 women aged 40-76 showed that women who ate more than 75 fruits and vegetables per month (or 2.5 per day) cut the risk of kidney cancer by 40%. Among other fruits, pisanglah the most protective. 
Some Tips: 
● Eat a banana while the fruit is really ripe, because the more mature fruit, the antioxidant levels are also higher. (Research Universities Innbruck Austria) 
● If you want to speed up the ripening process, then place the bananas in a paper bag or wrap in newspaper 
● In addition to regular food or a salad, sandwich or banana crepes with peanut butter and honey is also a delicious dish. In addition, you also can menghidangkannya way dismembered and put into your breakfast oatmeal.

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