Senin, 02 Mei 2011


MANGO ((magifera indica) is known to contain antioxidants that neutralize free radicals that can damage cells and lead to health problems such as heart disease, cancer and premature aging. But, in fact there are many more benefits of this aromatic fruit dai, the following benefits beberpa mangos for your health:

High content of iron which is good for pregnant women and people with anemia. But, do not be excessive, consult with your doctor the appropriate dose untukmendapatkan with your condition.

You are confused with the problem of clogging the pores of the face? Tempelkanlah mango slices to your face and then clean up after ten minutes.

If you have any problems with the digestive tract, there is no fruit that can help a lot as well as mango. Mangoes can aid digestion because it contains enzymes that digest proteins Formatting.

Mangoes are rich in potassium, so good for lowering blood pressure. In addition, the mangoes also contain pectin, fiber material which can lower cholesterol levels in the body.

You are trying to increase weight? Please insert a mango into your daily menu. Mangoes are rich in calories and carbohydrates that nourish and increase stamina.

Some studies claim to eat mangoes to minimize the risk of kidney stone formation.

Are studying for the exam? The fruit is also rich in protein that is not acid glutamine is important for concentration and memory.Instead mencamil chips and pastries, it's better to eat slices of mango while you study.

Although traditionally not regarded as an aphrodisiac, mangoes contain vitamin E, which

membantung improve one's sex life.Vitamin E is function of sex hormones regulate seseorang.Jadi, do not wait until the mango season comes, eat fruit now as a companion during dawn or breaking the fast.

To travel sickness
Which had dried mango and then boiled with water secukupnya.Setelah warm, add honey to taste and lime juice 10 cc of lime juice and stir until rata.Selanjutnya drink this potion while warm.

To influenza disease
Prepare 200 grams of meat plus 10 grams of mango ginger, and scallions putih.Bahan two-material is boiled with water 500 cc of water to the remaining 250 cc.kemudian filtered water and drink while still warm.

To cope with skin inflammation
Provide 150 grams of mango fruit skin, cooked with enough water until mendidih.Dalam warm conditions, boiled water is used to wash the skin of an illness or peradangan.Ramuan eczema can also be overcome.

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