Senin, 02 Mei 2011


The fruits are very liked by many people is the durian. Apart from that it tastes very delicious and the aroma of fragrant, it is one of the durian fruit healthy food because it has many benefits for health. Not only in the flesh, but also on the skin and leaves. But not many people know about it, even sometimes they think durian is a fruit that can cause disease. Indeed, that opinion is not entirely wrong, because eating durian fruit can increase blood pressure. In addition, cholesterol levels in the durian is also quite high. 

But the durian is a good healthy food for the body if eaten without exaggeration. In the durian fruit flesh contains a lot of nutrients, among which are carbohydrates, fats, protein, fiber, calcium (Ca), phosphorus (P), folic acid, magnesium (Mg), potassium / potassium (K), iron ( Fe), zinc, manganese (Mn), copper (Cu), carotene, vitamin C, thiamin, niacin, and riboflavin. Durian also contains quite a lot of sugar and heat in character so that people with diabetes and pregnant women should not eat durian. 
Phosphorus and iron contained in the durian was 10 times more than bananas. Nutrient content per 100 grams of durian fruit is 67 grams of water, 2.5 grams fat, 28.3 grams carbohydrates, 1.4 grams fiber, 2.5 grams of protein, and produce energy at approximately 520 kJ. 
Here are some benefits of durian for health: 
1. Can overcome the anemia because durian is rich in folic acid and iron. 
2. Can cope with constipation because durian contains a lot of fiber. Besides durian leather crushed and applied to the abdomen to facilitate defecation. 
3. Inhibits premature aging because they contain vitamin C as an antioxidant. 
4. Increasing low blood pressure because it contains iron and its heat. 
5. Overcoming swollen. 
6. Treating diseases of the skin rashes (ringworm). 
7. Good for healthy bones and joints because they contain calcium, potassium, and various vitamin B. 
8. The content of manganese to maintain stable blood sugar levels. 
9. Durian skin that burned and become ashes, the water can launch period, but also to be abortive. 
10. The fruit can be as a cure jaundice. 
11. Increased appetite because it contains niacin and thiamin. 
12. Riboflavin (vitamin B2) may help overcome migraine. 
13. Maintaining the health of the thyroid because the content of copper. 
14. Can reduce stress and depression because the content of pyridoxine (B6). 
15. Good for dental health because they contain phosphorus (P). 
16. Durian fruit leather can be used as a mosquito repellent. 
17. Roots and leaves steeping water durian can be as antipyretics. 
18. Believed to be an aphrodisiac. 
19. Its roots can be to treat infections of the nails. 
Thus the many benefits of durian to be found, for not consume to excess. 

Take a pomegranate is not too ripe. Every night before bed, chewing the pomegranate seeds. Discard seeds. 

9. Hoarse voice, dry throat 
Take a fresh pomegranate, split, and take its contents. Chew, then discard bijiya. Do it 2-3 times a day. 

10. Dysentery 
Boil some pomegranate rind, purslane (Portulaca oleacea), and spoon (Plantago major), and bitter (Andro graphic paniculata) (15 g each) in three cups of water until the remaining one cup. Once cool, strain and for for 2 times drinks, morning and afternoon. 

11. Chronic diarrhea 
Cut a thin skin of pomegranate fruit (15 grams) and nutmeg (Myristica fragrans) (10 g), then boiled with a glass of water remains one glasses. After chilling filtered and drink twice a day, each half a glass. 

Mangosteen Benefits

Benefits of Mangosteen Juice 
Consuming Xamthone Plus in the appropriate dose can provide the perfect health and vitality, as well mancegah various diseases that can attack the body's health. This is a premium health drink. 
• an overall body health: 
1. Strengthen the immune system. 
2. Heal inflammation. 
3. Improving communication between cells. 
4. Fails the DNA damage. 
5. Tool of the lymph system. 
6. Maintaining optimal thyroid function. 
7. Reducing insulin resistance. 
8. Helps weight loss. 
9. Heals nerve damage. 
10. Balancing the endocrine system. 
11. The tools of the synergy of the body. 
12. Relieve hemorrhoids. 
13. Helps reduce blood sugar levels (hypoglycemia). 
14. Kemerah-merahan/bersisik lighten skin disease (psoriasis). 
15. Helps heal wounds. 
16. Relieve the pain of carpal tunnel syndrome (a disease that occurs in the wrist and fingers caused by pressure that often occurs in that section. And usually often resulting from too frequent use keyboard and mouse). 
17. Eliminate chronic scaly dry skin diseases (neurodermatitis).The anti inflammation of the mangosteen may reduce the scales and itching in skin diseases. 
• Heart Health 
18. Helps prevent heart disease. 
19. Strengthen blood vessels. 
20. Lowering LDL cholesterol. 
21. Lowering high blood pressure. 
22. Helps prevent arteriosclorosis. 
• Digestive Health 
23. Help overcome the disease GERD (chronic disease characterized by the flow of stomach acid into the esophagus). 
24. Helps heal ulcers. 
25. Relieve irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). 
26. Helps stop diarrhea. 
27. Can relieve the inflammation of small or large intestine known as Crohn `s disease. 
28. Could prevent one of the major inflammatory bowel disease (diverticulitis). 
• Make Over Ageless 
29. Increase energy, increase the excitement and increase stamina. 
30. Slowing the aging process. 
31. Helps avoid deterioration of the brain disease (dementia & Alzheimer `s). 
32. Helps prevent kidney stones. 
33. Helps prevent nervous system diseases (Parkinson's). 
34. Relieves pain from arthritis. 
35. Repair the damage from the use of painkillers (NSAIDs). 
36. Aids to the eye. 
• Family Health 
37. Lowers fever. 
38. Overcoming food poisoning. 
39. Healing the wounds throat. 
40. Helps heal canker sores. 
41. Overcoming shortness of breath. 
42. Helps reduce migrant (headaches). 
43. Reduce the toothache. 
44. Natural sleep aids. 
45. Improve ability to cope with stess. 
46. Improve mood and reduce depression. 
47. Aids muscle and joint health. 
48. Eliminate acne and the defects in the skin. 
49. Eliminate bites, burns and poisoning. 
50. Relieve sprains, muscle and joint tension. 
51. Relieve abdominal pain. 
52. Relieve sore throat (bronchitis), swelling of the lungs (emphysema), and inflammation of the lungs (pneumonia). 
53. Working as painkillers congested / clogged on the nose (a decongestant). 
• Men's Health 
54. Helps prevent male infertility. 
55. Helps prevent prostate enlargement. 
• Women's Health 
56. Lighten difficulty urinating. 
57. As a gentle laxative. 
58. Minimizing pain symptoms prior to menstruation (PMS). 
59. Relieve symptoms of menopause. 
60. Reduces menstrual swelling. 
61. Meringkan pain in muscles, ligaments, or tendons (fibromyalgia). 
62. Relieve pain from the disease decreased bone density / calcification of the bones (osteoporosis). 
• Children's Health 
63. Helping meringkan asthma. 
64. Hyperaktif could prevent interference and lack of attention (ADHD) and food allergy. 
65. To form teeth and bones stronger. 
• Overcoming Disease 
66. Preventing gum disease. 
67. Combating TB disease. 
68. Reduces lactose intolerance side effects. 
69. Helps prevent dysentery. 
70. Helps prevent the central nervous system diseases (multiple sclerosis). 
71. Could prevent cancer. 
72. Relieve chronic inflammatory disease (chronic inflammation) that attacks the spine structure and especially the hip joint (Ankylosing Spondylitis). 
73. Help prevent lung infections and chronic respiratory (cyctic fibrosis). 
74. Prevent symptoms associated with lupus disease. 
75. Reducing disease severe muscle weakness (Myasthenia Gravis).

Source: Breakthroughs in Health, Vol. 1, Issue 5, 2006


Tomatoes and Other Benefits..
Tomatoes are the easiest plants encountered. The color is bright indeed interesting. Besides rich in vitamin C and A, the tomato is said to cure various diseases.
If traced its history, tomato or Lyopercisum esculentum initially found around Peru, Ecuador and Bolivia. In France, the tomato is called 'apple of love' or Pomme d'amour. Said to be the apple of love, since tomatoes are believed to be able to recover meningkatkanjumlah impotence and sperm and increase agility movements.
Tomatoes are also widely used for dishes, like soups, juices, pasta, dllnya. It feels a little sour and even make your appetite increase.Further research by DR. John Cook Bennett from Wiloughby University, Ohio, as the first to examine the benefits of tomatoes, in November 1834, shows that tomatoes can cure diarrhea, gall attack, indigestion and restore liver function. Other researchers from the Rowett Research Institute in Aberdeen, Scotland, also found other benefits of tomatoes. According to him, a yellow gel that envelops the seeds of tomatoes to prevent clotting and blood clots that can cause heart disease and stroke.
It is also recognized by the doctor of nutrition, Dr. Leane Suniar Manurung, MSc. Seeing properties of tomatoes so much, good tomatoes are consumed then anyone from an early age. "Moreover timggi tomatoes also contain vitamin C and vitamin A, which is useful to boost immunity." But what kind of tomatoes are best eaten? If you look at the market, we can find tomatoes in two colors, namely red and green. This color difference indicates the content of vitamins. According Leane, a good tomato is red tomatoes consumed. Red tomatoes contain vitamin C and vitamin A five times more than tomatoes hijau.Semakin ripe tomatoes, the rich content of vitamins. "Because of that small children should be accustomed to eat a lot of red tomatoes. This is important for healthy eyes, "says Leane. So, do not hesitate to give the little pelu tomatoes. Since the age of 6 months, a child begins to get used to eat tomatoes are mixed with other vegetables. Destroying Free Radicals
In the red pigment in tomatoes, the other has more value. The red color in tomatoes contain more lycopene, an antioxidant substance that can destroy free radicals in the body caused by smoking, pollution and ultraviolet rays. In addition, later known lycopene also efficacious help prevent cell damage that can lead to cervical cancer, prostate cancer, stomach cancer and pancreatic cancer."It's not only the lycopene found in tomatoes, but also in red wine, watermelon and papaya. However, the most lycopene found in tomatoes, "says Leane.
To get the properties, especially for adults, continued Leane tomatoes should be eaten every morning as much as one or two pieces. Sour taste in tomato derived from citric acid content caused fresh tomatoes, so it can increase appetite. Sour taste is very good dokonsumsi as we experience nausea or consumed by the women who have PMS (Pre Menstrual Syndrome). If not strong with taste masamnya, especially for those who have ulcer disease, Leane not recommend taking it even if in the form of juice is added sugars, because akanmemperburuk disease conditions. Better Prepared
Unlike other vegetables are more beneficial if eaten raw, tomatoes were better mixed with food or crushed before eating. The researchers found lycopene in tomatoes was issued more than a tomato eaten directly without being processed first. Unfortunately, although the content of lycopennya abundant, tomato paste and tomato sauce sold in the market has a lot of spiked food additives such as dyes or synthetic preservatives. "This additional material would stimulate the emergence of many free radicals that trigger cancer.
Tomato Benefit
1. Helps reduce the risk of heart problems
2. Eliminate fatigue and increase appetite.
3. Inhibit the growth of cancer cells in the prostate, cervix, breast and endometrium.
4. Slowing the decline in function of the eye because of the influence of age (age-related macular degeneration).
5. Reduce the risk of appendicitis.
6. Helps maintain healthy liver, kidney, and prevent bowel problems.
7. Eliminate acne.
8. Treating diarrhea
9. Increasing the number of sperm in men
10. Restore liver function.
11. Overcoming obesity
12. Tips for Processing Tomatoes as Medicine
To treat sprains:
Heal with tomato mixture. Tomato fruit blend, then the juice is mixed with sesame oil, with a ratio of 1:1. After that, oil is heated to live alone. Then, the oil used to massage a sprained joints earlier.
To cure the ulcer:
Take a tomato. Then, all the meat and tomato seeds are heated, and placed on the ulcer. Soon the abscess burst, and well healed.
For the treatment of acne:
Take a tomato that has been boiled, then cut into pieces. Rub a piece of it on facial acne slowly. Let stand for ten minutes. After that rinse your face with water. Perform routine for a month. Milky Tomato Tips
Choose tomatoes that are ripe dark red.
Choose tomatoes that are still hard and no soft parts. If any part of the software, meaning there are parts that have started to rot in it.
Do not choose tomatoes that are dull, select the color is still shiny.
Look at the base of tomatoes, if somewhat sour smell and have started berarir, then it started to happen decay. Choose a tomato whose skin is still fresh and not wrinkled, to indicate that the tomato is still new.

(Taken from his article: Educate mas Sugiarto)


Why is this fruit called rambutan? Maybe because its main characteristic hair a lot. If it fits in season, fruit is easy to find at the edges of the road with a light price. In fact, outside of Java can be no price. Usually, people know him only as a fruit or made sweets.However, it turns out this plant can also for treatment. 
Know Rambutan 
Rambutan (Nephelii lappacei), widely planted as fruit trees, sometimes found as wild plants, especially outside Java. These tropical plants require a humid climate with annual rainfall of at least 2000 mm. Rambutan is a lowland plant to a height of 300-600 above sea level. 
This plant is usually between 15-25 m tall, branching, and leaf green. Fruit shape round oval, 3-5 cm long with spines temple (hair) until stiff limp. 
Green colored rind and a yellow or red when ripe. Fruit wall thickness. Ellipse-shaped seeds, wrapped in transparent white pulp which can be eaten and contain a lot of water. Taste varies from sour to sweet. Woody seed coat thin. 
Generally rambutan flowering in the late dry season and formed fruit in the rainy season, around November to February. Rambutan also has many kinds of them Ropiah, The Tiger, The Mistress, Lebak Bulus and Binjei. Propagation through seeds, patch budding and grafting. 
Ingredients and Benefits 
This fruit contains carbohydrates, protein, fat, phosphorus, iron, calcium and vitamin C. Rind contains tannins and saponins. Seeds contain fat and polyphenols. The leaves contain tannin and saponin.Bark contains tannin, saponin, flavonida, pectic substance, and iron. 
These plant parts that can be used as a drug is the fruit skin are used to overcome dysentery and fever, the bark used to treat thrush, the leaf used to treat diarrhea and to blacken the hair, the root used to treat fever, and the seeds used to treat diabetes (diabetes mellitus .) 
How to Use and Example. 
For drugs taken, no dosage recommendation. For external use, milled leaves till soft, then add a little water. Then the feelings of water can be used for treatment of hair. As examples of its use are as follows: 
1. Dysentery 
Rambutan fruit skins (10 pieces) was washed, then dippotong pieces as needed. Then add 3 cups of clean drinking water, then boiled until the water remaining half. Once cool, filtered and taken 2 times a day, each three-fourths cup. 
2. Fever 
Rambutan skin that has been dried (15 g) washed. Then added 3 cups water, then boiled for 15 minutes. Once cool, filtered and drink 3 times a day, each third section. 
3. Hair Care 
Rambutan leaf sufficiently washed, then crushed into powder. A little water added, while stirring evenly until it becomes dough like mush.Then, squeezed and didisaring with a piece of cloth. The collected water is used to moisten the scalp. This was done daily until visible results. 
4. Diabetes 
Rambutan seed (5 seeds) fried sangran (sangria), and then milled to a powder. Then, brewed with a cup of hot water. After the cold water while drunk. Do it 1-2 times a day. 
5. Sprue 
Bark rambutan (3 knuckles) washed, then boiled with 2 cups water until the remaining one cup. Then used to rinse the mouth while warm. 
Not unexpectedly, it turns out this redhead has medicinal properties as well. No harm in trying. For those who have extensive perkarangan, why not try to plant it? Besides being easily and cheaply, too quickly bear fruit. One more, can be used as collection of medicinal plants of the family.

Sumber : Setiawan Dalimarta, Atlas Tumbuhan Obat Tradisional Jilid 3, Puspa Swara, 2003. Diketik ulang dari Majalah Nikah Vol. 3 No. 4 Juli 2004 hal. 16-17.


According to dr. Lawrence Nadesul, seyogyianya eye treatment has been started since childhood. Even since I was in the womb. How mothers during pregnancy to prevent toxoplasmosis infection for the baby is not defective retinal growth eyeballs. 
Have we adopted the habit of reading with a good and true?Remember elementary school lesson time, we asked the mother / father with distance sepenggaris teacher read from the book that we read with 60 watts of illumination from the back or side. 
Vitamins are used to maintain and protect eye health is vitamin A.when we are school teachers, we always recommend eating a lot of carrots to meet the needs of vitamin A. 
While dr. Pericone recommends avoiding the carrots in the diet for wrinkle-free because according to him the many foods that are high in vitamin A (as carotene) can cause inflammatory response due to the high sugar content. Nach for the glasses when you're trying to reduce wrinkle ageless business alias yes you should replace the carrot with bark juice .... You know why juice barking? Ga wrong nich .... Wait no credible explanation koq. 

Consuming a lot of carrots as a source of vitamin A majority, or add extra drink vitamin A is not cure nearsightedness. The sharpness of the eyes not corrected with vitamin A. vitamin A in the eye only adds to the sharpness in seeing the light and dark (night blindness). Dr.Lawrence also said that the location of the disturbance farsightedness abnormality in the retina but not in the line of the eye axis is shortened, so that the medicine is the glasses. As is the case on my colleagues, the use of eyeglasses can be eliminated because of the minus is still a little (fourth), maybe if you are already a lot, glasses is the cure. 
Recent research presented by Nurfi Afriansyah, MSc of Nutrition and Food Research and Development Centre Ministry of Health Republic of Indonesia as written in the tabloids healthy lifestyle that beta-carotene content in 100 grams of bark approximately 5.5 times more than the mango, guava and 3kali compared 5kali watermelon red. Unfortunately no mention of how many times carrots. 
Nach why not replace the carrot tomato juice which had always ordered in restaurants or prepared at home with bark mixed mango juice which is now more seasons. Or please experiment with a mixture of various kinds of fruit available. Our beloved country to provide a tempting variety of fruit to be mixed with the barking. I used to make juice with 5 kinds of fruit to meet the needs of 5 servings of fruit per day. 
To reduce anxiety or difficulty CHAPTER no, do not forget to eat or make juice barked with husk. No skinning bark to clean, because the epidermis is believed to overcome the difficulties which BAB if it takes a lot of fruits or juice drink a lot of barking. 
Let berekpserimen with bark juice to treat our eyes. Hopefully our bodies healthy and the health of our eyes are also maintained. 

Posted by YogaKinong Tuesday, March 9, 2010 


Pomegranate rind taste sour, bitter, hot and poisonous nature.Efficacious stop bleeding (hemostatis), intestinal worms peluruh (vermifuga), anti-diarrhea and anti-virus. The skin of fruit and flowers is a powerful astringent. Decoction of them can stop the bleeding. Bark and roots have a weak smell and taste sour.Efficacious as a laxative sputum, vermifuga, laxative, and astringent intestine. Medium leaves are efficacious for nutritious fruit haid.Daging peluruh conditioning, laxative fart. Seeds are non-toxic and efficacious for reducing fever, antitoksik, grease lungs, and relieve cough. 

Usage Guidelines for treating diseases 

1. Wormy 
Wash the dried pomegranate root (approximately 7g), then cut into pieces as needed. Then boiled with a glass of water for 15 minutes.Once cool, strain and drink the water at once. 
Combine pomegranate juice with carrot juice, half a glass each.Aduks until flattening, then drink as well. 

2. Gingivitis 
Wash the pomegranate flowers (about 7 florets) with clean water, then boiled with a glass of water until boiling. Once cool, strain and use separately gargle-gargle. 

3. Bleeding 
Boil some pomegranate relationship (approximately 20g) with three glasses of water until the remaining half. Drinking boiled water twice a day, each three-fourths cup. 

4. Wound 
Combine powdered pomegranate skin of fruit or flowers to taste with sesame oil. Toss well, then apply on the wound. 

5. Sprue 
Take two fresh pomegranate fruit is ripe. Take the following contents of the seeds, then mash until smooth. Add one cup water, stirring evenly, then strain. Use water to rinse, then swallow. Do it 2-3 times a day until healed. 

6. Frequent urination 
Take the contents of pomegranate fruit (fresh and ripe, the fruit) and a handful of chives, then cut into pieces as needed. Boil with three glasses of water until the remaining half, remove and let cool.Drinking boiled water twice a day, each three-fourths cup. 

7. Whitish 
Boil dried pomegranate skin (30 grams) and bitter herbs dried (15 g) with one liter of clean water. Allow the water boiled remaining half. Once cool, strain and drink for to 3 times, morning, noon and night. Cooking water can also be used to wash the vagina. 

8. Long-standing cough 
Take a pomegranate is not too ripe. Every night before bed, chewing the pomegranate seeds. Discard seeds. 

9. Hoarse voice, dry throat 
Take a fresh pomegranate, split, and take its contents. Chew, then discard bijiya. Do it 2-3 times a day. 

10. Dysentery 
Boil some pomegranate rind, purslane (Portulaca oleacea), and spoon (Plantago major), and bitter (Andro graphic paniculata) (15 g each) in three cups of water until the remaining one cup. Once cool, strain and for for 2 times drinks, morning and afternoon. 

11. Chronic diarrhea 
Cut a thin skin of pomegranate fruit (15 grams) and nutmeg (Myristica fragrans) (10 g), then boiled with a glass of water remains one glasses. After chilling filtered and drink twice a day, each half a glass. 

bs S i n W ients and microorganisms to protect against evil. The ability of the body to absorb calcium is also getting better, so good for the bones. In addition, the risk of colon cancer is also reduced. 
Healthy Kidney 
Research from the International Journal of Cancer shows that consumption of fruits and vegetables, especially bananas, regularly and are able to protect the body. Studies 13.4 years with a population consisting of 61.000 women aged 40-76 showed that women who ate more than 75 fruits and vegetables per month (or 2.5 per day) cut the risk of kidney cancer by 40%. Among other fruits, pisanglah the most protective. 
Some Tips: 
● Eat a banana while the fruit is really ripe, because the more mature fruit, the antioxidant levels are also higher. (Research Universities Innbruck Austria) 
● If you want to speed up the ripening process, then place the bananas in a paper bag or wrap in newspaper 
● In addition to regular food or a salad, sandwich or banana crepes with peanut butter and honey is also a delicious dish. In addition, you also can menghidangkannya way dismembered and put into your breakfast oatmeal.


Humans have long been eating pears. There's a reason why pear preferred. In addition to its delicious taste, this fruit is also very nutritious. Fruit that is included in the apple family is more rich in fiber than apples. If 1 apple contains 3 grams fiber, 6 grams of pear. This means 1 pear ... 

Containing 20 percent of the recommended fiber intake to be consumed in a day. Pears are also free of fat, cholesterol free, sodium free, and rich in vitamin C, potassium, and chromium. 

Pears have a low glycemic index levels and only contains about 100 calories per piece. That is, the fruit is good for those who have diabetes and hypoglycemics. Sugar content of foods that are low glikemiknya index is slowly absorbed by the body, keeping blood sugar levels stable. Pears also rich in pectin, a soluble dietary fiber and is believed to reduce cholesterol and regulate bowel movements. Therefore, the pear is very good for those who have constipation problems. 

Pears greatest benefit contained in the skin. Therefore, you should not peel pears if you want to eat them. Most fibers contained in the pears are in the skin, including quercetin, ie, antioxidants and flavonoids which have anti-inflammatory effects. Although the substance is not owned as many apples and onions, but still a good nutrient from pears. In addition, the pears have also folate, which has been shown to prevent neural defects in babies. 

So pregnant women are advised to eat a pear. Those who have problems with food allergies is very advisable to eat a pear because it is safe and does not trigger allergic reactions. Pears are also recommended as the first fruit given to children as it is considered hypoallergenic. 

When will choose pears, choose one that does not bruise (blue because of a fall), truncated, has been colored brown, or anything that looks still young. Pears are ripe enough to feel soft when pressed with finger. If you buy a new pear and will consume a few days after purchase, choose one that is still hard. So even if you're going to use it to bake a cake made material. Ripe pears should be consumed within a day or two days. 

Let the pears cooked in air condition room. If you want to make it fast cooked, sandingkan with apples. Apples release ethylene gas into the air, which makes other fruits in the surrounding mature faster. To get the best antioxidant effect, the consumption of pears when he is in the most mature. Because the skin is very thin, so be careful if it will bring a pear to eat elsewhere. (Compass) 

scrub l LZ isk, add vinegar and water too warm lemon water to help lubricate.