Senin, 02 Mei 2011


According to dr. Lawrence Nadesul, seyogyianya eye treatment has been started since childhood. Even since I was in the womb. How mothers during pregnancy to prevent toxoplasmosis infection for the baby is not defective retinal growth eyeballs. 
Have we adopted the habit of reading with a good and true?Remember elementary school lesson time, we asked the mother / father with distance sepenggaris teacher read from the book that we read with 60 watts of illumination from the back or side. 
Vitamins are used to maintain and protect eye health is vitamin A.when we are school teachers, we always recommend eating a lot of carrots to meet the needs of vitamin A. 
While dr. Pericone recommends avoiding the carrots in the diet for wrinkle-free because according to him the many foods that are high in vitamin A (as carotene) can cause inflammatory response due to the high sugar content. Nach for the glasses when you're trying to reduce wrinkle ageless business alias yes you should replace the carrot with bark juice .... You know why juice barking? Ga wrong nich .... Wait no credible explanation koq. 

Consuming a lot of carrots as a source of vitamin A majority, or add extra drink vitamin A is not cure nearsightedness. The sharpness of the eyes not corrected with vitamin A. vitamin A in the eye only adds to the sharpness in seeing the light and dark (night blindness). Dr.Lawrence also said that the location of the disturbance farsightedness abnormality in the retina but not in the line of the eye axis is shortened, so that the medicine is the glasses. As is the case on my colleagues, the use of eyeglasses can be eliminated because of the minus is still a little (fourth), maybe if you are already a lot, glasses is the cure. 
Recent research presented by Nurfi Afriansyah, MSc of Nutrition and Food Research and Development Centre Ministry of Health Republic of Indonesia as written in the tabloids healthy lifestyle that beta-carotene content in 100 grams of bark approximately 5.5 times more than the mango, guava and 3kali compared 5kali watermelon red. Unfortunately no mention of how many times carrots. 
Nach why not replace the carrot tomato juice which had always ordered in restaurants or prepared at home with bark mixed mango juice which is now more seasons. Or please experiment with a mixture of various kinds of fruit available. Our beloved country to provide a tempting variety of fruit to be mixed with the barking. I used to make juice with 5 kinds of fruit to meet the needs of 5 servings of fruit per day. 
To reduce anxiety or difficulty CHAPTER no, do not forget to eat or make juice barked with husk. No skinning bark to clean, because the epidermis is believed to overcome the difficulties which BAB if it takes a lot of fruits or juice drink a lot of barking. 
Let berekpserimen with bark juice to treat our eyes. Hopefully our bodies healthy and the health of our eyes are also maintained. 

Posted by YogaKinong Tuesday, March 9, 2010 

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